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  • Warm up with kick. Kick needs to be strong in order to get a good body position.
  • Freestyle! You are now off the bubble and now you are on your way to learn the positioning and basics of freestyle. The following is the drill progression:
  1. Sweet-Spot: On the side of the body, face is out of the water, they are pressing on their “sweet spot” which is the spot their head needs to go in order to have the best body position.
  2. Sweet-Spot with Head Rotation: Same position as the sweet spot drill, this time they are adding their face turn into the water so they build on the body position.
  3. 10 kick/5 kick Switch:  Building on the same position they add in a certain amount of kicks, then face goes in the water, to a stroke to the other side. Maintain the body position is KEY!!!
  4. 3/8 (6)/3: Three strokes, six kicks, three strokes. The face should enter the water first and they must maintain a strong kick.
  5. Catch: To teach them how to do the catch part of the stroke, you can have them one the side of the wall, entering the water, catching, and pulling hard to a finish.

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Morgan King

  1. When trying to figure out what is wrong with a student, look at body position first (are they kicking? are they forcing their hips down by lifting their heads?)

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